6 research outputs found

    Simulation of Few Mode Fiber Communication System Using Adaptive Recursive least Square Algorithm

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    The constant demand of faster mode of communication has revolutionized the technology related to optical fiber communication system. The large member of global researchers are using space division multiplexing (SDM).The research is motivated by the urgent industrial requirement. This technology has sample of scope of improving the channel space. The few mode fiber (FMF) communication system improvement using adaptive algorithm has few issues which are posing the challenges like intermodal noise due to compiling in a random manner .It has some delay which needs to be taken care of is called as differential mode group delay (DMGD).In this work, Recursive Least Square (RLS) has been promised. This yield the convergence faster but at the cost of complex hardware. The FD-LMS algorithm has been considered as a reference. A step size controlled has been put to work. In the reference work the FD-LMS appears to better than LMS algorithm


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    Machine learning (ML) will be heavily used in the future generation of wireless communication networks. The development of diverse communication-based applications is expected to boost coverage and spectrum efficiency in relation to conventional systems. ML may be employed to develop solutions in a wide range of domains, such as antennas. This article describes the design and optimization of a circular patch antenna. The optimization is done through ML algorithms. Six ML models, Decision Tree, Random Forest, XG-Boost Regression, K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Gradient Boosting Regression (GBR), and Light Gradient Boosting Regression (LGBR), were employed in this work to predict the antenna's return loss (S11). The findings show that all of these models work well, with KNN having the highest accuracy in predicting return loss of 98.5%. The antenna design & optimization process can be accelerated with the support of ML. These developments allow designers to push beyond the limits of antenna technology, optimize performance, and offer novel solutions for emerging applications such as 5G, 6G, IoT, and flexible wireless communication systems)

    Modified IDCP Technique for Accurate Image Defogging

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    Digital Image is an imperative part in the explanation and analysis of data, which is in the digital type. Images and videos of outside scenes are generally affected by the bad weather environment such as haze, fog, mist etc. So image has bad visibility of the scene caused by the lack of quality. In current scenario the defogging techniques are not used practically in real time systems such as cases of train accidents due to fog. This paper exhibits a study about various image defogging techniques to eject the haze from the fog images caught in true world to recuperate a fast and enhanced nature of fog free images. The paper also presents a novel modified IDCP technique for efficient image defogging. In proposed work, we enhance digital images by applying modified technique model i.e.  M-IDCP (Modified-Improved Dark Channel Prior) Technique   which provide a superior quality picture with clear visibility and distinctive color. Toward the end, we remove the first defogging image   and look at them based on their Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE) parameters. Result obtained from modified model ( IDCP- DCP- HE-CHAHE) showed improved performance in term of estimation of air-light , sky regions become bright and smoother and halo effect is also reduced in robustness PSNR and  MSE than that of (DCP- HE-CHAHE) in addition to the quality of recovered defogged image . With this proposed work defogging parameters as PSNR and SNR have been increased   by more than   20 percentage as compared to other literatur


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    In this era, life can't be envisioned without wireless communication. The microwave filter is a component which gives frequency selectivity in mobile, radar, satellite communication systems working at microwave frequency. Microwave low pass filter attenuates the unwanted signal above cut off frequency. For stepped impedance filter design high and low impedance lines are used. This paper describes designing of Chebyshev approximated stepped impedance low pass filter at 2.4 GHz with the permittivity of value 4.2 and the height/thickness of the substrate is 1.6mm for the order n=3. Designed filter is simulated using Computer Simulation Technology